When you need to have a gynecological surgery like a hysterectomy, you want to be in knowledgeable and compassionate hands. Laura Kuperman, MD, is a gynecological surgeon with over 20 years of experience providing the highest quality surgical treatments available to women in Forest Hills, New York. For a personalized approach to your women’s health care needs with a surgeon you can trust, call the office or schedule an appointment online today.
Hysterectomy Q & A
What is a hysterectomy?
A hysterectomy removes your uterus. This area of your reproductive system is also referred to as the womb and is where a baby grows during pregnancy. Hysterectomies are the second most common surgery for American women.
Dr. Kuperman performs your hysterectomy through an incision in your lower abdomen or through the vagina. Vaginal hysterectomies typically involve shorter hospital stays and faster recovery times.
There are several types of hysterectomy:
Partial hysterectomy: only removes the uterus
Total hysterectomy: removes the uterus and cervix
Total hysterectomy with salpingo-oophorectomy: removal of the uterus, cervix, ovaries, and fallopian tubes
When Dr. Kuperman removes your ovaries during a hysterectomy, you enter menopause.
Why do I need a hysterectomy?
Dr. Kuperman might recommend a hysterectomy as part of your treatment for a variety of conditions, such as:
Uterine prolapse
Chronic pelvic pain
Abnormal vaginal bleeding
Cancer of the uterus or cervix
Uterine fibroids
Following a hysterectomy, you can no longer become pregnant.
What can I expect during a hysterectomy?
Before your hysterectomy, Dr. Kuperman discusses your condition and the various treatment options available.
Dr. Kuperman performs your hysterectomy while you’re under general anesthesia, so you’re asleep during the entire procedure. The surgery itself takes one to two hours.
First, a catheter is placed in your urethra to empty your bladder and remains in place until shortly after your surgery. Your vagina and incision sites are then cleaned and sterilized to reduce your risk of infection.
Following your surgery, Dr. Kuperman monitors you in recovery before you’re either released to recover at home or moved to a hospital room for a day or two.
What can I expect after a hysterectomy?
Recovering from a hysterectomy usually takes between three to six weeks. Some aspects of your recovery depend on whether you had an abdominal or vaginal hysterectomy, as recovery time is typically faster with vaginal hysterectomies.
Following your surgery, you might experience bloating or cramps. You may also have bloody vaginal discharge that can last for days or several weeks. Dr. Kuperman provides detailed instructions relating to sexual activity and lifting restrictions, but you can eat regularly and move around as soon as you’re comfortable.
Call Laura Kuperman, MD, or schedule an appointment online today.