If you’re experiencing pelvic pain, your body could be trying to tell you something. Laura Kuperman, MD, is an experienced gynecologist offering both preventive and diagnostic gynecological services to women in Forest Hills, New York. Whether your pain is intense or dull, localized or radiating, call the office or schedule a visit online to get to the bottom of your symptoms.
Pelvic Pain Q & A
What is pelvic pain?
Pelvic pain occurs in your lower abdomen or the lowest part of your pelvis. In many cases, it’s due to urinary, digestive, or reproductive system issues. This type of pain can vary as:
Dull or sharp
Constant or intermittent
Mild, moderate, or severe
Localized or radiating to the lower back, buttocks, or upper legs
You may also experience pelvic pain during specific activities, such as during sexual intercourse or while urinating.
What causes pelvic pain?
A woman’s pelvic pain can have several causes, Gynecological causes include:
Ovarian cysts
Uterine fibroids
Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
Ectopic pregnancies or miscarriages
Other causes include:
If you have chronic pelvic pain, it might be due to the connective tissues and muscles of your pelvic floor.
In some cases, your pelvic pain might indicate a serious health emergency, so it’s important to discuss your symptoms with Dr. Kuperman so she can reach an accurate diagnosis.
How is pelvic pain diagnosed?
During your appointment, Dr. Kuperman performs a comprehensive physical exam and reviews your personal and medical history as well as your symptoms. It’s essential to provide Dr. Kuperman with as much information as possible, such as location, frequency, pelvic pain triggers, and how you find relief to help her reach a diagnosis.
In some cases, pelvic pain can have a pattern -- for example, pain associated with your menstrual cycle. Be sure to share this information with Dr. Kuperman as well as any additional symptoms you might have like diarrhea or fever.
Based on your physical examination and symptoms, she might recommend additional screenings, such as:
Lab tests to check for infections
Ultrasound to look for abnormalities
CT scans or MRIs to detect abnormal growths or structures
How is pelvic pain treated?
Dr. Kuperman recommends various treatments for pelvic pain depending on their cause. In some cases, she might suggest medications like pain relievers, antibiotics, or antidepressants to ease your symptoms. For pelvic pain caused by hormonal changes, she may recommend hormone treatments.
To correct medical or structural issues, such as fibroids, Dr. Kuperman might suggest surgical treatment.
Call Laura Kuperman, MD, or schedule an appointment online to identify the cause of your pelvic pain and find relief.